is Operator:
- is operator Checks if an object is compatible with a given type
- An is expression evaluates to true if the provided expression is non-null, and the provided object can be cast to the provided type without causing an exception to be thrown.
as Operator:
- The as operator is used to perform conversions between compatible reference types
- The as operator is like a cast operation. However, if the conversion is not possible, as returns null instead of raising an exception
public class Exam
public string GetSubjectName()
return "C#";
public class UnitTest
public int GetTestNumber()
return 1;
public partial class CSHARPSAMPLES_Keywords : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exam e1 = new Exam();
public void Test(object o)
if (o is UnitTest)
UnitTest u = o as UnitTest;
else if (o is Exam)
Exam e = o as Exam;
Hello Sir,
Does it make any difference if we use
UnitTest u = new UnitTest();
instead of..
UnitTest u = o as UnitTest
In the First case you are directly creating object of given type.
Ex: UniTest u=new UnitTest();
In the second one you are trying cast the given o variable to type UnitTest class.
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